5 time management tips for work-life-school balance from working students

We all have the same hours in a day like a business owner who also manages a household, a working student who juggles multiple jobs on top of school, or the highest paid pop superstar in the world. One of the most important things that we can focus on would be managing our time – not just for staying productive and completing daily tasks, but also giving time to recharge and fill our cups so that we can do more for ourselves and others.

August 20, 2023
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Working students in particular do have an immense challenge ahead of them. Three working students, Alexi Medalla, Ayi Ramirez, and Kat Concepcion know this all too well. As working students, they have created routines for themselves to be able to juggle school, work, and life the best way they can. They are full-time students who also work for a boutique fitness studio as managers and crew that provide structure to the flow of daily operations. Shifts can get busy, especially in the evening, and on top of school work and attending online classes, it takes a lot of work to maintain this lifestyle.

They share some tips on how they manage their time and continue to thrive as working students.

Plan ahead and write down what you need to do for the day or week

Forgetting a small but important detail can take a toll on you and how you work. Even worse is if it affects others you work with. The good thing about completing a task down to the smallest detail is you can develop and practice good work ethics, a soft skill that will take you places wherever you choose to work. Also, it makes more impact on your quality of work and reflects on how much you value what you need to do.

You can simply set reminders on your phone for anything urgent, write down all details and/or even ideas on a planner notebook that you can carry around with you, or use apps that help you structure your day and spread out what you need to do for the day or week.

Be flexible and ready to adjust to any changes in your schedule or workflow

Sticking to a strict schedule or routine may work on most days, but reality is there will be a number of external factors out of your control. Maybe a sudden change in your schedule or someone who may cause a delay in your workflow might set you back from your self-imposed deadlines. However, experiencing these things is a good way to develop important skills needed in life such as adapting quickly to your environment and circumstances, becoming more resourceful and creative with what you have, and managing your time to remain efficient.

Time management also includes the ability to switch plans or adjust timelines, and not just squeeze everything in a day. See these experiences as opportunities to learn and think on your toes instead of hindering you from becoming productive and efficient.

Find a workplace that supports your growth

Working students thrive in a supportive and engaging workplace. If you are able to talk openly about your other responsibilities outside of work, you will most likely set more feasible goals for yourself and not feel that you have to sacrifice one for the other.

It may take some time to set a routine for yourself, but with a healthy working and studying environment, which includes the people you surround yourself with, it will not only help you achieve your goals but also build connections to keep you emotionally stable.

Enroll in a school that gives you the option for online classes

Having more control of your schedule makes managing your time so much better and easier. You can explore the option of enrolling in a fully online college that provides flexible schedules so you can maximize your time within the day. With this option, you can skip the commute to school, attend all your classes online, and even consult mentors about tasks or projects as soon as possible.

Time is your most valuable asset

More than just following specific tips on how to manage your time, being aware that time really is your most valuable and scarcest resource will make an impact on how you perform and prioritize your tasks. Sometimes, it is getting the simple tasks done and out of the way before you place energy and focus on more complex or challenging responsibilities.

Today, there are options for working students to complete a college degree online. This makes balancing work, school, and personal lives much easier and doable. Mapúa Malayan Digital College (MMDC) features a modernized curriculum that will develop skills that are valuable in the workplace, expose its students to well-experienced mentors to deliver high quality outputs, and help working students succeed in the application of technology in businesses. They offer a flexible academic schedule that accommodates morning, afternoon, and evening schedules, even allows changes to your schedule in the middle of the term, and only requires you to attend synchronous classes a few hours in a week.

To learn more about MMDC and their programs, visit https://www.mmdc.mcl.edu.ph/. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.