Perks of an MMDC Working Student

A lot of college students nowadays have found the need to hold down part-time, or even full-time jobs while studying. This can put a massive amount of stress on a person. Imagine waking up at 5:00 AM or earlier on weekdays, getting ready, preparing breakfast, preparing baon, and getting out the door by 6:00 AM to avoid the morning rush hour lines at bus stops and MRT or LRT. Once in the office, it’s breakfast time, then work continuously for ten hours. After all of this, it’s time to brave the rush hour commute home. Once home, it’s all about classes and finishing the day's assignments and classwork. Then it’s time to collapse unceremoniously on the bed and fall into a deep sleep–only to be woken up at 5:00 AM and do it all over again.

October 17, 2022
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Let’s face it, the life of a working student is tough–really tough. There’s very little time for joy or fun, interesting activities. If only there were a college that could find ways to make their lives a little easier; a little more joyful. At Mapúa Malayan Digital College, students are given ways to make studying flexible and easier for them. Laptop assistance is given to students who aren’t able to provide their own tech (this is optional) and all students are given Pocket WIFI dongles upon enrollment to ensure that each student has stable access to MMDC at all times.

What does this mean for working students? Waiting in the office or in another area after work while anticipating the end of rush hour madness doesn’t have to be spent idly. MMDC students have the opportunity to take their laptops and pocket wifi with them to make connecting to MMDC easy from all locations. This ease of access isn’t only meant for classes, though. MMDC also offers a wide range of fun activities for students who need a little mental-health break from the hectic and stressful pace our lives often set for us.

Fun and Interactive e-Events

AMMDC has had years of experience in observing and designing online curriculum, delivery, and student relations. Having listened to students' needs and wants, MMDC offers a variety of engaging activities to give students a fun and interactive learning experience.

Virtual Escape Rooms
Gone are the days of stuffy, boring, one-sided lectures. Imagine being able to learn a topic for a class by simply trying to escape a room! Virtual escape rooms are exactly the same concept as the physical escape rooms, however they are used as an online learning tool. This is the epitome of learning while having fun!

Virtual Wellness Activities
Most of us find ourselves sitting down for the majority of the day. Not only can this be very uncomfortable, it is also really bad for our physical and mental health. MMDC offers a variety of virtual wellness activities, such as yoga and online workout sessions. Busy working students no longer need to go to a gym or studio to join these activities–one can simply sign up and join a workout or yoga session from the comfort of their home… or office, or park, or wherever one may be!

Join or Create Your Own Club!

Aside from physical online activities, MMDC and the Office of Student Affairs offer a wide range of clubs for students to choose from. Students looking to join a group of like-minded individuals to socialize with are free to join the clubs at MMDC. For students who don’t see a club they’d like to join, they are free to start their own club. The process is quick and simple. For more details, check out:

Get Featured in the MMDC Publication

MMDC has its own publication where students can submit interesting things about their lives or tidbits that they’d like to share. This is a great publication for those looking to keep up with events happening at MMDC, but also industry challenges, online learning updates, and student updates. The publication is always looking for contributing writers. This is a great avenue for budding writers or for those looking to take their hobby a little further and be published in MMDC’s official publication.

The MMDC Learning Hubs

Online learning and virtual events are great, but they can never truly replace face-to-face communication. MMDC has created The Learning Hub. Currently, there are two Learning Hubs located in Ayala Malls Cloverfield in Quezon City, and Ayala Malls Capitol Central in Bacolod City. The learning hubs are designed for group meeting places and for individual students to access for study and socialization. All MMDC students have access to the Learning Hubs.

Integrated Advising System

The Integrated Advising System is MMDCs way of offering support to all students. The IA System answers all questions, or points students in the right direction. For students that need help with troubleshooting, the IA System also provides tech support to help you with your concerns. The IA System is literally the digital best friend of all students; the support team is here to help with all questions and concerns!

MMDC salutes the working students and the sacrifices they make in their lives. A working student's schedule is often very stressful and tiring; MMDC offers these hard working individuals a happy, fun learning experience that will be sure to bring a smile back to those beautiful faces.

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